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Secret Life OF Bee's Crossword Puzzle

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Secret Life Of Bee's

                      1           2  
              4 5                    
                12           13        
Across Down
4 'June came ____ into the water.' (193)
7 'I'd spent over a month here ____ around ...' (214)
8 'june shouted May's name and plowed up the ___ in to the dark..' (191)
9 This dinner consisted of Smothered chicken, butter beans, rice & gravy, sliced tomatoes, biscuits, and ____? (217)
10 Zach hoed up a big ____ of cabbage weeds, without even being asked to.' (224)
11 Colored women were at the loest level.. (269)
12 Lily held onto August arm this way, but August pulled back free.
1 The coffin was loaded into this.. (213)
2 'They don't know a ___ when they see one, do they Lily?' (218)
3 Death is a hard pill to swallow for some, therefore they do this to say good-bye. (200)
5 August was looking for this to wipe her tears,,
6 'i clear-cut the ___ bed and made a six-foot garland by wiring the blossom..' (223)
13 'You aren't the only one who can ___
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