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Senior Vocabulary Crossword Puzzle

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Senior Vocabulary

2                               3     4   5              
        9                               10                
11   12           13                       14                
                                          16       17      
            19   20                                        
          24                     25     26                  
                29   30                                    
Across Down
4 ridiculous, absurd, laughable, preposterous
10 shifty, underhanded, sly, tricky
11 a doctor who treats tumors and cancer
14 to settle a debt, to shut down a business paying its debts with its assets, to turn assets into cash
15 a doctor who treats diseases that cause pain and stiffness in the back or the extremities.
16 imitate, try to be as good as or better than, follow in the footsteps of
18 In writing, elements of equal importance are balanced in similar constructions.
20 a doctor who delivers babies and cares for the mother
21 a heart doctor
22 a subtle shade of color, expression, or variation
23 a doctor of diseases of the nervous system
24 to express well in words, to speak clearly
25 a long list
27 massive and escapable force that crushes everything in its path
28 a skin doctor
29 a peculiarity that serves to distinguish or identify
1 near-sighted, or, lacking a broad, realistic view of a situation; lacking foresight or discernment
2 lavish, fancy
3 assessment, an estimate of the value of
5 to lessen in value, to belittle
6 disrespectful treatment of something held sacred
7 tribute, high praise, a speech about someone given at a funeral
8 logical, meaningful, connected as a whole
9 to substantiate or confirm, to make valid, or to give official approval to
12 to give over to another’s care, charge, or control; to entrust, deliver. Or, to set apart for a special use.
13 a type of storytelling that follows the flowing, branching currents of thought in a character’s mind
17 intensely eager and enthusiastic
19 an itemized list of assets, such as goods, property, traits, skills, and so forth. Or, to make such a list.
26 a symbol, theme, setting, or character that is thought to have some universal meaning
30 pertaining to right and wrong, moral
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