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Sensation and Perception 2

          S O U N D W A V E S                
          A T T E N T I O N                  
          B I N O C U L A R D E P T H C U E S
            L                       E       M
            P                       A       E
            A M P L I T U D E       R       L
            R                       I       L
            T A S T E               N        
            Y                       G        
      C O C H L E A                          
        B I N O C U L A R D I S P A R I T Y  
          D E P T H P E R C E P T I O N      
F R E Q U E N C Y                            
Across Down
2 invisible ripples of high and low air pressure created by vibrations
3 Process of sorting through sensations and selecting some for further processing
4 depth cues that depend on two eyes working together
7 the height of a sound wave
8 Process of a substance touching the papillae that covers the tongue
9 A snail shaped tube in the ear
10 slightly different retinal image
11 The ability to see 3D space and to accurately judge distances
12 Number of sound waves per second
1 When you hear your name focus follows due to assumption of meaningful info
5 The picking up of sound waves in the air that travel to the cochlea
6 Process of molecules reaching receptors in the back of the nose
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