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Short Story Terms

            3 4                                    
11   12                           13                  
              14                             15      
              16                   17                
        18                 19                        
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3 The story comes to conclusion. Denouement.
6 The 'explosion' that sets the plot in motion and sets up conflict.
7 The state of being anxious or curious about the outcome of the story. (grade 10)
9 Introduces the characters and the setting.
11 The complications or obstacles that create susupense.
14 What the character does or says or thinks following the climax of the story.
16 The character struggles with a force inside himself or herself.
18 The main character.
20 The most suspenseful moment in the story.
1 The character is in conflict with another person. Character versus _________
2 A character who changes or grows throughout the story.
4 The character struggles with a force outside of himself or herself.
5 Where the story takes place.
8 A character who does not change or grow throughout the story.
10 Creates tension and suspense. We see how the character responds to crisis.
12 The character is in conflict with the rules of community. Character versus _______
13 The sequence of events that make up the story.
15 The character who fights against the protagonist.
17 The character is in conflict with the natural world. Character versus __________
19 The character experiences inner conflict. Character versus ____________
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