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Skin, Bones, And Muscles Crossword Puzzle

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Skin, Bones, and Muscles

                  1         2              
                                3       4  
  9                                     10  
              11             12              
    13                           14          
                17                         18
  19     20                                  
                22     23         24          
Across Down
7 Involuntary muscles
8 Another name for backbone
9 Scientific name for collarbones
11 Provides oxygen and nutrients to the cells in the epidermis
13 Is the productive layer
16 Holds the bones together at the joints
17 The muscle your heart is made from
21 33 bones in the vertebral column
22 The inner layer of the skin that contains mostly fat-storing cells.
1 Another name for skull
2 Another name for breastbone
3 The thickest layer of skin
4 The smallest bone in the body
5 Protects your brain
6 Enables the intestines to absorb the calcium needed to build bones and work muscles
7 Voluntary muscles
10 Protects your spine
12 Protects your heart and lungs
14 The largest bone in the body
15 Is the organ that provides defense against pathogens, provides information about the outside environment, and maintain the body's temperature.
18 Scientific name for shoulder blades
19 Tough waterproof proteins
20 Gives skin its color
23 Gives the skin its strength
24 Helps the skin snap back to original shape.
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