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Social Health Crossword Puzzle

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Social Health

            6                               7
  11                             12   13        
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3 A qulity that demostrates how a pearson thinks, feels,and acts
6 Promblems with money
8 Your immediate family plus other relatives such as grandparents,aunts,uncles,and cousins
9 The connections you have with other people and groups in your life
10 Your ability to get along with the people around you
14 A family that consists of a parent, a stepparent,and the children of one or both parents
15 The way you conduct yourself as a member of a community
1 Your parents parents
2 The way in which a pearson thinks,feels,and acts
3 The way you communicate with others
4 The basic unit of society
5 The way you treat yourself and other people
7 Someone who marries a child's mother or father
11 When you move from one place to another
12 The beliefs and ideals that guide the way a pearson lives
13 Your little brothers or sisters
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