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Social Security Crossword Puzzle Answer

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Social Security

                  D           A          
                  E           X          
            F     B           E   A      
          G R E A T D E P R E S S I O N  
            A                     A      
          U N E M P L O Y M E N T        
N E W D E A L                            
            I N S U R A N C E            
P E N S I O N                         A  
            D O M E S T I C S E R V A N T
            R                         N  
          C O R N E R S T O N E       U  
            O                         I  
            S H A R E C R O P P E R   T  
            E                         Y  
          R E T I R E M E N T            
          S T O C K H O L D E R          
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5 A harsh depression that took place after the stock market crash in the 1930’s
6 People who have been actively searching for employment and is unable to find work or have lost their jobs
7 Sets of government programs instituted by FDR to stimulate economy
8 The agreement in which you pay a company and the company gives you coverage if you have an accident,injury,or etc
9 A retirement plan an employer sets aside for a workers future benefit
11 A person who works within an employer's household and perform a variety of household services
12 A stone that lies at the corner of a building, implies a sense of foundation
13 Mostly Negroes who rent land from landowners in return for a portion of their crops
14 When a person has reached an old age they withdraw from an occupation
15 Someone who has share in a company or are part-owners of a company
1 A compulsory charge on workers by a governmental organization in order to fund public expenditures
2 Money that is owed or that one is willing to pay to a bank,company, or person
3 32nd president of the United States who led the nation through the Great Depression
4 The largest insurance group that offers insurance for individuals and businesses
10 A contract with an insurance company that gives you a fixed amount of money every year for retirement
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