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Soil Crossword Puzzle

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      5             6   7      
  9           10   11            
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3 solid rock below soil
4 soil with grains of rock that are too small to be seen with your eyes alone
5 the measure of how difficult it is for a mineral to be scratched
8 the movement of weathered rocks and soil
9 a solid object found in nature that has never been alive
11 the top layer of soil - animals such as ants and earthworms live here
12 soil with very, very tiny grains of rock
1 a naturally formed solid made of grains of one or more minerals
2 breaking down of rocks into smaller pieces
4 soil with grains of rock that you can see with your eyes alone
6 the layer underneath topsoil - not much humus, but it does have small rocks
7 part of soil made of broken-down pieces of dead plants and animals
10 soil that is a mixture of humus, sand, silt, and clay
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