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        C O R O N A                              
                  N U C L E A R F U S I O N      
              S O L A R F L A R E S              
C H R O M O S P H E R E                          
                  R A D I A T I V E Z O N E      
          P R O M I N E N C E S                  
            P H O T O S P H E R E                
                  I                       H      
                C O N V E C T I O N Z O N E      
                  N                       A      
                  B                       T      
              S O L A R W I N D                  
                  T                         L   E
                  S O L A R C O M P O S I T I O N
                        U   O         U     G   E
                        R   R         N     H   R
                        O   E         S     T   G
                        R             P         Y
                        A             O          
                        S             T          
Across Down
2 Outermost layer of the sun's atmosphere
3 Release of energy through the combining of the nuclei of small atoms
4 Explosive release of energy from the sun
5 Thin outer layer just above the photosphere
6 Interior zone between the core and the convection zone
7 Loop of cooled gas extending above the photosphere
8 Visible surface of the sun
10 Interior region between the radiative zone and the photosphere
11 Continuous flow of charged particles from the sun that permeates the solar system
14 The many components that make up the sun
1 Layer of energized particles held in place around a magnetized planet by the planet's magnetic field
9 Quality of being hot; high temperature
12 Natural agent from the sun that makes things visible
13 Power derived from physical or chemical resources
15 Colored light that reacts with the oxygen and nitrogen of Earth's atmosphere
16 Center-most part of the sun
17 Dark areas on the sun that are cooler than the rest
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