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Solar System

1                         2         3          
            6         7                        
                    10                 11        
              13   14                            
                  17 18   19                      
Across Down
1 Missions conducted by the United States in the late 60's and 70's.
3 The planet that is closest to us.
6 Jupiter's largest moon.
8 The mass at the middle of a black hole.
9 If it gets to close to the Sun a tail forms.
10 The force that keeps us bound to this planet.
11 The closest dwarf planet to the Sun.
14 The region beyond the orbit of Neptune.
16 The planet that has 67 moons.
17 Big space rock.
2 Planet with beautiful rings.
3 The planet closest to the sun.
4 Lop-sided planet.
5 Is blue and has two storms.
7 Belt of boulders in-between Mars and Jupiter.
12 Used to be a planet.
13 Has a very thick atmosphere of carbon atmosphere.
15 Look up at night there it is.
18 The closest star to Earth.
19 What planet are you on?
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