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Southern Utah's Native Fish Crossword Puzzle

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Southern Utah's Native Fish

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2 This fish is found in streams statewide and had random patterns of spots, bars, and speckles on it.
3 Non-native species introduced to an area, and can be harmful.
4 This tiny fish is found in the Virgin River.
5 This small fish grows to about 5 inches long, is metallic olive or yellow, and can be found in streams or desert springs.
6 This bottom-feeding fish is olive-brown in color and can grow up to 3 feet long in some areas.
7 Introducing contaminants to the environment that can damage it.
8 This fish ranges from 6 to 16 inches long and lives in upper Snake River.
9 This fish is named after the red markings on it.
10 Catching more fish than can naturally be replaced.
1 This fish can grow up to 2 feet long, has spots, and is found in the Bonneville basin.
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