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Read the hint and below the word on the box

                        1       2            
                                      3   4  
8     9               10                      
                    13               14     15  
16           17     18                          
                  21       22     23     24      
Across Down
1 The hot planet in solar system
7 The fourth planet in solar system
8 The thing that stay around Saturn
11 The star that. Shooting to something
12 The people that go to space
13 The big thing that stay in Jupiter
16 The planet that we live in
19 The sound of boom!
20 The thing that people
21 The thing that planet stay in
2 The thing the astronaut put in space
3 Thousand Million of the Milky Way combine all together in the space
4 The galaxy that solar system stay in
5 The planet that far from the sun
6 The big planet in solar system
9 The thing that can pull every thing inside
10 The think that stay near the planet mars and Jupiter
14 The thing that give us the light in the morning and afternoon and evening
15 The moon of Saturn that bigger what we call?
17 The think that we can breath
18 The think can give the light when night
21 The sixth planet from the sun
22 The thing that astronaut drive to go to the space
23 The thing is bigger than the sun
24 The planet that stay near the sun
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