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              1                       2
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          5     6                      
              9                     10  
13       14       15             16        
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5 Unmanned spacecraft that explores planets
7 Transports people and equipment to space.
8 When massive stars become larger due to nuclear reactions.
9 When a white dwarf cools off
12 When a red giant collapses on itself and shrinks in size
15 A small cube of this weighs about the mass of a mountain.
17 Rocky or metallic bodes traveling in space
1 The first stage in the life cycle of a star
2 In the end a red supergiant can become either a neutron star or...
3 Small pieces of rock that are pulled by Earth's gravity but burn up.
4 When the helium core heats so much that it starts fusing to elements other than hydrogen (the star grows large).
5 When a red supergiant explodes.
6 Groups of stars named in honor of mythological beings.
10 A meteor that lasts enough to hit the surface of the earth
11 Dust and ice combined (dirty snowballs)
13 Grouping of millions or billions of stars, gas and dust.
14 The invisible force that pulls you toward a planet or star.
16 A small object that orbit the earth and makes GPS work.
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