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Spanish-American War

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          E M I L I O A G U I N A L D O
    P H I L L I P I N E S              
          W I L L I A M T A F T        
        R O U G H R I D E R S          
T E D D Y R O O S E V E L T            
    S U G A R                          
          I S O L A T I O N I S M      
    U S S M A I N E                    
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3 Fought with the U.S. for independence, but fought against the U.S after seeing what they were actually doing.
4 Islands all the way near Malaysia; not too far from China.
5 U.S. president that liked using dollar diplomacy in Latin America.
6 A group of Native Americans, College Students, and other volunteers who fought alongside Teddy Roosevelt.
7 The leader of the Rough Riders.
8 A valuable crop grown in Cuba that got America's interest.
9 The belief that a country should stay uninvolved when it comes to other Country's conflicts.
10 U.S Ship that mysteriously exploded, Yellow Journalists blamed Spain.
1 Islands not too far from Florida, Spain controlled them for a while.
2 Exaggerated reporting that could often be found false.
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