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                                            3                     4
    7                 8                                            
9                     10                                            
11                                     12                            
                                            14         15            
                      21                             22              
                    24     25           26                            
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8 the complete range of electromagnetic waves placed in order of increasing frequency
10 a disturbance that involves the transfer of electric and magnetic energy
11 electromagnetic waves that you can see
13 when parallel waves of light hit a smooth surface
16 an image that forms where light seems to come from
17 a mirror with a surface that curves outward
18 the point at which rays parallel to the optical axis reflect and meet
19 a measure of how much a light ray bends when it enters a medium
20 electromagnetic waves with shorter wavelengths than those of microwaves
21 when parallel waves of light hit an uneven surface
23 electromagnetic waves with wavelengths just shorter than visible light
24 a mirror with a surface that curves inward
1 a lens that is thinner at the center than at the outside
2 when light rays actually meet
3 an image of a distant object caused by refraction of light
4 a flat sheet of glass that has a smooth, silver colored coating on one side
5 a copy of the object formed by reflected or refracted rays of light
6 electromagnetic waves that have shorter wavelengths and higher frequencies than radio waves
7 electromagnetic waves with wavelengths just shorter than those of ultraviolet waves
8 the energy that electromagnetic waves transfer
9 the distance between the crest of one wave and the crest of the next wave
12 a curved piece of glass or other transparent material that refracts light
14 electromagnetic waves with the shortest wavelengths
15 the number of waves that pass a given point in a certain amount of time
22 an imaginary line that divides a mirror in half
25 a lens that is thicker at the middle than at the outsides
26 electromagnetic waves with the longest wavelengths and the lowest frequencies
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