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                        2     3              
        5       6                            
8                                   9        
            10                     11          
  13   14                                      
                    19     20                  
        21   22           23                    
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1 The _______ revolution occured in 1739 by slaves
7 The south depended on this for money
8 sermons of despair
9 How much knowledge did doctors have about infections and sterilization
10 The New England Population __________ in 50 years
11 crop big in Gerogia ans South Carolina
12 This city had a population of 25000 people and is located 15 minutes away from here
16 Women had the most freedom in this area
17 was a cash crop popular in Europe
18 french calvinist
20 An indentured servent is a slave for a ________ amount of time
21 All people arriving in America faced _____________
1 Puritans chose these people to led day to day government
2 Colonial Mechants lacked this which is key for trade
3 England dumped ________ in America to be sold into servitude
4 The North relied little on these
5 American law was _________ compared to English law
6 The Salem witch trials occured in what colony
11 Where did most Germans that came to America orginally come from
13 In the _______ men rarely made it out of their 40's
14 another crop used in blue dye
15 _____ lived to 71 in New England
19 assisted women in childbirth
22 After Jamestown the popoulation of the colonies grew _________
23 This Ironwork was the first significant ironwork
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