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Sports History

                            1   2     3   4  
6               7                            
      16             17                        
                18                 19       20  
Across Down
6 Invented by Canadian physical education instructor James Naismith
8 Full contact combat sport using striking and grappling techniques (3 words)
10 U.S. city of one of the oldest existing purpose-built automobile racing circuits; still in use
11 Alexander Joy Cartwright developed the rules of this sport
12 Started out with villages playing games against one another for a period of several weeks (2 words)
13 A.k.a. the 'Father of American Football' (2 words)
15 The very first balls used in any kind of football gaming were crafted out of (2 words)
16 Vale Tudo developed in 1920's Brazil and was brought to the United States by this family
18 In AD 393, during this period, boxing was abolished due to excessive brutality (2 words)
21 This ancient Chinese game is one early form of soccer
1 Baseball evolved from this British game, a cousin to Cricket
2 High priced road car turned into pure racer (1910-1950)
3 Earliest reference to the use of boxing gloves location
4 Ancient Olympic combat sport (during classic Greek era)
5 Boxing gloves can be identified as far back as this millennium
7 Pete Browning uses the first bat of this brand name (2 words)
9 International Soccer Organization
14 Miles in first pre-arranged match race of two self-powered road vehicles over a prescribed route
17 Organization that had major role in spreading basketball throughout the U.S., Canada, and the world
19 Has been tracked back to an Irish game known as hurley by some historical annalists (2 words)
20 American football evolved from this sport
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