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Sports Med Crossword Puzzle

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Sports Med

                          1 2                  
                    6   7                      
                10                       11      
                                  12           13
                      14     15                  
        16     17                                
        18           19                          
Across Down
1 to the side
4 movement that decreases the angle between two parts
6 cut that is near the surface of skin
8 roatation of palms to face upwards
9 plane that splits body into top and bottom
10 backside of body
14 Circular movement of body part in ball and socket joint
18 movement of body part away from body
20 movement towards the feet
2 in front of
3 rotation that faces palms downward
5 movement of sole of foot away from body
7 movement of foot downwards
11 increasing the angle between two parts
12 movement of body part towards body
13 movement of sole of foot towards the middle of the body
15 movement towards the head
16 plane that splits body into left and right
17 above a structure
19 below a structure
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