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                    1                 2
              4             5          
    19         20                        
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3 used to present data in a more systematic or organize manner
5 ndicates the position of each value in a given set of data
6 facts, observations, and information that come from investigations
7 middle value of a list
9 numbers that describe a set of data
10 rearrangement of objects into distinguishable sequences.Order of occurrence of object is important
11 rearrangement of objects into distinguishable sequences. Order of occurrence of object is important
12 is a selection of some or all of a number of different objects where the occurrence of object is not important
13 property of an object or event that can take on different values
15 the number of times a value of data occurs
17 shows the frequency of data that is in equal intervals
19 defined set that is sampled
1 square of standard deviation
2 frequent value in a list
4 Greek letter used in summation notation
5 degree of asymmetry in a distribution
8 description of the distribution of the data
14 visual representation of a set of values in relation to another set
16 average value
18 term which refers to how far the average statistic lies from a parameter it is estimating,that is,the error which arises when estimating a quantity
20 a variable that holds a multiple values of the same type
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