WhenWe Crossword Puzzles

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Story Elements

                            1             2  
      11                                     12
    14                     15         16        
                  17           18              
19   20     21     22                            
Across Down
4 the sequence of events that make up a story
7 a type of narration where the narrator makes you a part of the story and uses the pronouns you and your
8 the events leading up to the climax
9 the main good character in a story
11 the author's purpose for writing a politica speech or an ad in a newspaper
13 the events after teh climax that lead to the resolution
14 blonde hair, blue eyes, and tall are examples of this type of trait
17 type of narration where the narrator is part of the story and uses the pronouns I, me, and we
19 type of narration when the narrator is not part of the story and uses the pronouns he, she, and they
1 the background information about the characters or setting explained at the beginning of a story
2 the ending of a story
3 loyal, dependable, and hard-working are examples of this type of trait
5 comparing two unlike things using the words like or as
6 the struggle or problem going on in a story
7 genre in which the setting is in the future or on another planet
10 the part of a story when teh conflict gets resolved or fixed
12 the character who is in conflict with the main character
15 comparing two unlike things without using the words like or as
16 genre in which you read about a person's life written by themselves
18 the author's purpose for writing a story or poem
19 the moral or lesson learned in a story
20 The author's purpose in writing an article about how to raise pigs or use a remote control.
21 'The Sneetches,' 'John Henry,' and 'Ode to Mi Gato' are examples of this type of genre
22 when and where a story takes place
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