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Susan B. Anthony

        T H A M E N D M E N T                          
          P R O P E R T Y           V                  
            I                       O                  
            C O N V E N T I O N S   T                  
            A                       I                  
            N A T I O N A L W O M A N S U F F R A G E A
            A                       G                  
            E L I Z A B E T H C A D Y S T A N T O N    
            C O N G R E S S                            
W E S T E R N                                          
            S U F F R A G E A N D A N T I S L A V E R Y
  N E W Y O R K                                        
        T H E R E V O L U T I O N                      
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1 What resulted after 14 years of her death?
3 Collected signatures for a petition to grant women the right to vote and to own ________
5 Organized plenty of state and national _______
6 Organization created after the Civil War to devote herself to the women's movement
7 Met this woman at a temperance movement and helped Anthony with her campaigns
8 Organized a large group of activists and lobbied state governments and _________
9 Region of states where women gained the right to vote before 1919
10 Became involved in these two things in the 1850's
11 This state legislature passed an act that allowed women to enter into contracts and control their own earnings
12 Newspaper promoting the causes in which women were interested
2 Replaced the women's movement during Reconstruction
4 Focused her energy on trying to gain the right for ______
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