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Symphony Hall Concert

            1     2                            
            3           4   5   6              
                8   9                          
                10                     11        
                14         15                    
        16                       17              
      18     19                 20                
                            21       22          
                  23                     24      
26                       27                      
Across Down
1 An oriental building.
3 A French composer who visited the Paris exhibition.
7 Woodwind instrument - the CBSO player of this had a GOLD instrument!
8 Different versions of a theme tune.
10 Small wooden instruments which make music sound Spanish in character.
12 A stringed instrument which has forty strings.
13 You can make a huge crash with these.
14 A tuned percussion instrument.
18 The lowest pitched stringed instrument.
20 A string player needs one of these as well as a violin.
23 A composer of film music.
25 The lowest pitched brass instrument.
26 An English composer who wrote music about his friends.
27 A percussion instrument which people often put in the wrong 'family.'
28 Also known as the Tamtam. Sometimes you see a man beat one of these before the start of a film.
2 The four families of instruments all playing together in this big group.
4 A slow piece describing homesickness.
5 A stringed instrument.
6 A conductor uses one of these to give instructionsl to the orchestra.
9 A Russian composer who liked Spanish music.
11 Four groups of instruments in the orchestra.
15 The Extra-Terrestrial.
16 She is in charge of the CBSO.
17 American composer of a Fanfare.
19 A Russian composer who described a long journey.
21 Plucking on a stringed instrument.
22 A musical announcement - someone important is going to make an entrance.
24 Austrian composer famous for 'The Blue Danube' Waltz.
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