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Texas History Crossword Puzzle Answer

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Texas History

        V A Q U E R O S    
                U       M  
                B       I  
                L       S  
A   L   P R E S I D I O S  
L   A     E     C       I  
C   S     V             O  
A D A M S O N I S       N  
L   L     L             S  
D   L     U                
E   E     T E R R I T O R Y
          I         E      
  D I P L O M A T   X      
          N         A      
Across Down
2 Spanish cowboys
6 Spanish forts
8 a treaty settling the boundaries
9 a piece of land
11 represent countries in foreign affairs
1 a gov't in which voters elect officials
3 Catholic churches
4 served as mayor, sheriff and judge
5 a French explorer
7 fighting
10 the lone star state
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