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Texas Revolution

                            2   3                            
                4     5                                      
          15                         16                        
18 19                                                          
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8 The last battle of the Texas Revolution.
9 First battle of Texas Revolution.
10 Mexico won in 1836, also the ninth battle of the Texas Revolution.
11 297 grantees made up of families and some partnerships of unmarried men.
12 Fought in 6 wars.
13 The battle took place right outside of Goliad in 1836.
14 Had a drinking promblem.
15 Author of the Texas Declaration of Independence.
17 'The King of the Wild Frontier.'
18 Second battle of the texas Revolution.
1 Nickname was Billy.
2 Heavy artillery used in the Battle of San Jacinto and the Battle of Galveston.
3 Came into Texas in 1834.
4 Fifth battle of the Texas Revolution.
5 Fought in the legendary 'Sandbar Fight' in 1827.
6 Leg was wounded in the war then cut off.
7 'The Father of Texas.'
8 Fourth battle of the Texas Revolution.
16 Sixth battle of the texas Revolution.
19 What month did the Texas Revolution end.
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