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The 1936 Olympic Games Crossword Puzzle

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The 1936 Olympic Games

    1   2           3                
    5                       6        
    15         16                      
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1 The Summer Olympics of 1936 took place in the month of _________.
4 The Olympic flame in the relay is transported from _________.
7 The name of the stadium the Olympics took place is _________.
8 This American won the most medals, all in track and field (no space).
9 An _________-only policy was put in place for all German athletic teams.
10 Majorie Gestring, a _________ year old won a gold medal in springboard diving in the Summer games.
11 The 1936 Olympic games were used for _________ purposes for the Nazi Germans.
12 The 1936 Olympic Summer games took place in the city of _________.
13 _________ was introduced as an Olympic event for the first time and was won by Americans.
14 1936 is the year the Olympic games were first broadcast on _________.
15 The _________ did not participate in these games (no space).
17 The first Olympic torch was made by this German steel company.
2 The country with the most medals with a total of 89, was _________.
3 There was an international debate to _________ the 1936 Olympic games
5 The Nazi propaganda minister recognized the benefits of hosting the games (no space).
6 _________ countries participated in the games (no space).
16 These games introduced the _________ relay.
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