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The 1960's Crossword Puzzle

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The 1960's

          5         6                        
          7       8                          
          13   14       15           16          
17   18                       19                
        20                 21                  
Across Down
3 ___________ 747 invented in 1969.
6 John _________: first American to orbit Earth.
7 1969 _________ ________ became the new U.S President.
9 Electronic ______ Injection for cars invented in 1966.
10 The Hippie Movement began in ___________ (state).
11 Bay of Pigs: U.S tried to take power from _________ ________.
14 Kennedy was a ________ _________ activist.
17 1960-1961 was a state of __________.
19 In 1961, J.F.K. began expansion of U.S _______ program.
20 ________ Generation was predecessor to the Hippie Generation.
21 Served from 1963-1969, serving the last two years of J.F.K's term.
23 ___________ 28, 1963: I Have a Dream Speech.
1 The Cuban Missile Crisis lasted _________ days.
2 The Berlin Wall was an attempt by ________ Germany to keep citizens.
4 The first U.S ground troops to enter during the Vietnam War were sent in ______ 1965.
5 April 4, 1968: Martin Luther King Jr was ____________.
8 The space shuttle responsible for landing on the moon on July 20, 1969 was the ______ ______.
12 Hippie movement focused on change, sexual liberties, and _______.
13 Big ________ dominated economy.
15 1965-1965 U.S was in a _________ war in Vietnam.
16 The 1960's was a very _________ time for government
17 Woodstock festival organizers were in _______ after the festival.
18 Kennedy made a plan to reduce ________ and unemployment.
21 Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty signed _____ 25, 1963
22 The __________ _________ ________ was a nuclear war 'scare' that occured in 1962.
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