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The American Colonies Crossword Puzzle

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The American Colonies

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2 When a country builds wealth or power by exporting more than it imports.
3 The trade route between the Americas, Europe, and Africa.
4 This type of colony had granted permission to settle in America from the English Monarch and was usually a business.
6 Two groups that were against slavery were Quakers and _____.
7 The two principals of English government were protected rights and _____ government.
8 Slaves would work on very large farms called _____.
9 The idea that knowledge, science, and reason improved society started this movement.
10 The English passed this set of laws in order to control trade. These laws did not allow Americans to trade with any other country than England.
1 This movement made it so that the rulers of England could not have more power than the legislature.
5 This document was written in 1215 and was seen by colonists as a movement towards protected rights.
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