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The Bay OF Pigs Crossword Puzzle Answer

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The Bay of Pigs

                            C                   S    
                            I             C     T    
            O N E T H O U S A N D T W O H U N D R E D
            N                             B     O    
            E                             A          
            T W E N T Y T H O U S A N D              
          J O H N F K E N N E D Y                    
          S U R P R I S E                            
            D W I G H T D E I S E N H O W E R        
            F                 W                      
            O                 A                      
    F A I L U R E             M                      
            R                 P                      
F I F T Y T H R E E                                  
      B T W E N T Y S I X                            
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4 Nearly this many exiles surrendered
5 An estimate of the number of people in Castro's forces
6 The president who authorized the plan to invade
7 The type of attack Kennedy had planned
8 The president just prior to Kennedy who authorized the training program for the invasion
10 The plan was a horrible one of these
11 Castro eventually agreed to $ ___ million worth of baby food and medicine in exchange for the captives
12 The kind of bomber planes which were painted to look like Cuban air force planes
1 The leader whose government the exiled Cubans were against
2 The organization which developed the plan
3 The country which the U.S. attempted to invade
4 The number of people in the forces sent to invade
9 The type of area which the Bay of Pigs was
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