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The Beginning OF Civilization Crossword Puzzle

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The Beginning of Civilization

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1 The first modern humans appeared in ________ .
3 The Neolithic Age is also called the _________ ________ ________ .
4 The first civilizations started in the ________ ________ of Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, and China.
5 In present-day _______, people raised beans, squash, and corn.
6 Most ___________ people were nomadic.
7 In the Neolithic Age, people farmed and raised animals for ________ .
9 People began to form _______ during the Bronze Age.
10 Paleolithic people invented the __________ and the bow and arrow.
2 __________ use artifacts and remains of ancient humans to learn about culture.
8 People in the Bronze Age kept written records, like _________ .
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