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The British Empire Crossword Puzzle

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The British Empire

        1       2                
              6           7      
9                 10              
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1 These came from Africa and the British Empire would not have happened if it was not for ..........
3 Countries no londer wanted to be controlled by Britain, so they .......... there way out.
4 The reason why the Empire stopped was because Britain became ..........
6 Many British ............ were spread all over the world
9 Land was used for .............
2 The British Empire provided schools and ............ to people across the world.
5 The two heros/villains of the British Empire were Clive and ..........
7 The British Empire .......... after the second world war.
8 The .......... became very powerful and made a lot of money from the Empire
10 This happened in the British Empire, and it happened to slaves. It still happens today.
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