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The Cell Cycle Crossword Puzzle

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The Cell Cycle

                      2     3              
            8           9                  
  11       12                                
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3 a fairly harmless type of cell growth in cancer
4 a substance that is known to promote the development of cancer
5 a single strand of DNA
6 one half of a duplicated chromosome, always has a 'sister'
7 cell division
8 the center of the pair of sister chromatids
11 programmed cell death--the cell is signaled to die
1 the regular pattern of a cell's life including growth and reproduction
2 a long loose strand of DNA, usually present during interphase
4 the last part of mitosis, where the cytoplasm is divided
7 the phase where the chromosomes line up along the middle or equator of the cell
9 a dangerous type of cancer cell where the cancer cells can easily break away and spread
10 the phase in which DNA condenses into chromosomes
11 when the sister chromatids separate and go to opposite sides of the cell
12 when nuclear membrane reforms and the chromosomes begin to uncoil
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