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The Civil War

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                  G E T T Y S B U R G A D D R E S S     S          
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                    A B R A H A M L I N C O L N         S          
C L A R A B A R T O N                                   S          
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    O           G E O R G E M C C L E L L A N       T              
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    A N A C O N D A P L A N                         S              
    L     I         R                               B              
    W     V       J O H N W I L K E S B O O T H     U              
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    R     L         L                               G              
          W       D A V I D G F A R R A G U T                      
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                  S T O N E W A L L J A C K S O N                  
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                G E N E R A L S H E R M A N     E                  
                          P   H       O         T                  
                          P   I       N         A                  
                          O   L       I         M                  
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                          A   H       O                            
                          T           R                            
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3 1st real battle of the Civil War where the Confederate Army won. The North marched towards Richmond thinking the Confederates would be an easy victory but the Confederates met them on the path. The Union was forced to retreat.
5 A speech given by Abraham Lincoln which captured the spirit of liberty and morality if the citizen’s democracy. The speech was only 3 minutes long and was given at a national cemetery on the site of the Battle of Gettysburg.
7 The president of the United States During the Civil War. He preserved the Union during the Civil War and emancipated the slaves.
8 She launched the American Red Cross in 1881. She was called an “angel” in the Civil War because she treated the wounded soldiers in the field and was a nurse during the war. She started and founded the American Red Cross.
9 A series of battles designed to capture the Confederate capital at Richmond, Virginia.
11 This was the amendment that abolished slavery.
13 A Union General who was in charge of the Union at the beginning of the war. He was able to defeat Lee at Antietam securing a much-needed Union victory.
14 The Union planned a blockade that would not allow supplies into the Confederacy. It would allow them to gain control of the Mississippi River, it would choke off the Confederate Army, and to capture the Confederate capital of Richmond.
16 An American stage actor. He was part of a conspiracy plot that assassinated Abraham Lincoln. He killed Lincoln at Ford’s Theatre in Washington DC on April 14, 1865.
17 Union navy commander who seized New Orleans. He took control of the Mississippi by using ironclads and blockades. He was the first senior officer of the US Navy.
19 The Confederate General who won in the First Battle of Bull Run. He died when he was accidentally shot by his own troops.
20 General of the Union. He carried out the Union's Plan to destroy southern railroads and industries.
1 South Carolina succeeded from the Union. This battle was the first opening engagement of the Civil War.
2 He was a confederate general. He was the commander of the Army of Northern Virginia and was one of the most successful Southern Armies in the Civil War. He was the General who surrendered to Ulysses S Grant.
4 He was a US general. He was the commander of the Union Armies during the late years of the American Civil War. He was the 18th president of the United States.
6 Issued by Abraham Lincoln on September 22, 1862. It declared that all slaves in the rebellious Confederate states would be free. Lincoln used this as a political advantage to make the South lose their slaves.
10 The most violent battle of the Civil War, in Pennsylvania from July 1 to 3, 1863. The battle was named after the town it was near. Union General George G Meade led 90,000 men to victory against General Robert E Lee’s Confederate army of 75,000.
12 Destroying civilian's possessions and economic resources. In terms of the Civil War, General Sherman's troops destroyed railways, bridges, crops, livestock, burned plantations, and freed slaves.
15 The war between the South and North of the United States where the war eventually leads to the emancipation of slaves.
18 The first major battle of the Civil War that took place on Northern soil. It was the bloodiest single-day battle in American history. Almost 23,000 casualties. After this battle, Lincoln announced the Emancipation Proclamation as a political strategy
21 The site of the surrender of the Confederate General Lee to the Union General Grant in April of 1865. This day was the day where the Civil War officially ended.
22 Battle fought by Grant to attempt to capture the railroad that the South controlled. Although the Union won, the Confederates showed strong resistance against them, proving that the war would continue on for a long time.
23 The Union’s ironclad ship that fought the ship, the Virginia, and ended in a draw. The ironclad ships were one of the newest in ship technology at the time.
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