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The Electromagnetic Spectrum Crossword Puzzle

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The Electromagnetic Spectrum

                              1                 2   3              
                                  7                               8
    12                                             13                
                  23           24                                    
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2 EM waves with the shortest wavelengths and highest frequencies
9 the complete range of electromagnetic waves placed in order of increasing frequency
10 a transverse wave that transfers electrical and magnetic energy
11 a method of transmitting signals by changing the frequency of a wave
12 an image that shows regions of different temperatures in different colors
14 method of transmitting signals by changing the amplitude of a wave
15 EM waves with wavelengths shorter than those of radio waves
16 EM waves that you can see
17 a light bulb that glows when a filament inside it gets white hot
18 a bulb that contains a gas and is coated on the inside with a powder
21 the light that vibrates in one direction as it passes through a filter
22 EM waves with wavelengths just shorter than those of visible light
23 when light causes an electron to move so much that it is knocked out of a substance
1 a bulb that contains neon or argon gas and a small amount of solid sodium or mercury
3 radio waves with the shortest wavelengths and the highest frequencies
4 a sealed glass tube that contains neon gas
5 what the filament is made of in a tungsten-halogen bulb
6 an instrument used to view the different colors of light produced by a light bulb
7 waves with the longest wavelengths and lowest frequencies
8 an object you can see by reflected light
9 the energy that is transferred through space by electromagnetic waves
13 a system that uses reflected radio waves to detect objects and measure their distance and speed
19 EM waves with wavelengths just shorter than those of UV rays
20 a gas such as iodine or bromine that is used in a tungsten-halogen bulb
23 each packet of light energy
24 an object that gives off its own light
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