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The Frech Revolution

      N A T I O N A L I S M                    
    B A S T I L L E D A Y                      
              R E A C T I O N A R I E S        
              S                             C  
G U I L L T I O N E                         O  
              V                             U  
        L I B E R A L I S M                 P  
              R                             D  
              E                             E  
              I N A L I E N A B L E R I G H T S
              G                             A  
N A P O L E O N                             T  
              T H E D I R E C T O R Y          
Across Down
2 very patriotic
3 People of Paris invaded the Bastille prison and looted all weapons
4 the people at this time that did not like change.
6 What they used to execute people by cutting off their heads
7 rule though representation
8 nautral rights
9 Dictator of France at this time
10 made 2 legislatues and in 4 years
1 a governement made and sustained by people
5 'Stroke of State'
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