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The French Revolution

                      3                 4  
  6   7           8                        
  14                             15          
                  16       17           18    
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6 Clergy of france
9 The nobles in France
11 Machine used for behead people consisting of a sharp blade that slides down a channel
12 Period in the 17th and 18th centuries that maintained that reason and natural laws could solve economic, social, and political problems
13 Middle class in French society
14 Everyone besides the nobles and the clergy; the peasants and the middle class
16 Written statement of a government that entails the rights of the people
19 One of the principles stated in the French Revolution slogan that means brotherhood
1 A movement to fundamentally alter the current political conditions
2 Name of the place where the royal family lived at the beginning of the French Revolution
3 A direct government tax on peasants, which was abolished by the Revolution
4 Cruel killing of a large group of people
5 Notebooks used to list complaints against the royal government
7 A person favoring a dramatic change in society
8 A political system where a monarch holds power
10 Eight towered fortress on the east side of Paris used as a prison
15 Kings eldest son
17 A red, white, and blue badge worn by patriots of the revolution
18 Right listed in the Declaration of Rights of Man that states that men should be free of unjust and cruel rule
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