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The Gilded Age

      D A W E S A C T                            
                    A N G E L I S L A N D        
                    S O C I A L D A R W I N I S M
                  G O S P E L O F W E A L T H    
              N E W I M M I G R A N T S          
                  B E S S E M E R P R O C E S S  
                P U L L M A N S T R I K E        
                  N I G H T S O F L A B O R      
                    O L D I M M I G R A N T S    
E L L I S I S L A N D                            
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1 This act removed the status of legal entity from the tribes, removed tribal ownership of land and gave family heads 160 acres. It also granted citizenship if they acted like good Americans for a certain number of years
3 The immigration station on the west coast where Asian immigrants, mostly Chinese gained admission to the U.S.; harsher here than on the east coast
4 Belief held by many that the rich were rich and the poor were poor due to natural selection in society
5 A book written by Carnegie that described the responsibility of the rich to be philanthropists; softened harshness of Social Darwinism
6 Immigrants that were recently arriving into America; unskilled laborers that filled unwanted jobs
7 Invented a process for removing air pockets from iron, allowing steel to be made; advanced con struction
8 A nonviolent strike which brought a shut down of western railroads because of the poor wages of the Pullman workers
9 National labor union that was open to nearly all workers making it more equal however it was a secret society; gave them a large population, which led them to gain an 8 hour day after many strikes
10 Immigrants that came during the first phase who were usually Irish and German; their position in government and hypocritical nature made them hostile to new immigrants, passing laws against them
11 Immigration station on the east coast in New York
2 Railroad that connected eastern and western US and created a trade route to the far-east, and helped the western expansion
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