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The Girl IN The Locked Crossword Puzzle
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The Girl In The Locked

    2           3                
    6     7                      
  9                 10            
12                 13              
Across Down
5 calm, peaceful and untroubled
6 filled with or revealing awe
8 fearful apprehension; a feeling something bad will happen
9 pull something(especially a tree or plant) out of the ground
11 a state of complete emptiness or destruction
12 a dunghill or refuse heap
13 something that is burned or blackened
14 a sitting room in a private house
15 one´s family and relations
1 a spire on top of a church tower or roof
2 consternation and distress, typically caused by something unexpected
3 an official count or survey of a population, typically recording various details of individuals
4 the state or quality of being ferocious
7 a temporary structure on the outside of a building used by builders while building repairing or cleaning a building
10 wear away the appearance or texture of something by long exposure to the air
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