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The Glass Castle &%23127984; Crossword Puzzle

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The Glass Castle 🏰

                    1       2                
          8                 9                
            11 12     13   14                    
      15                         16            
17         18                                  
      19                         20            
      21           22           23              
Across Down
4 What Rex struggled with
5 Their random escapes
6 Jeanette's older sister
7 Jeanette's favorite toy
8 When Jeanette became a full time reporter
10 Jeanette's second husband
11 Book title
16 Where Jeanette saw her mother homeless
17 The Family Dog
19 Jeanette's baby sister
20 The age Jeanette got burned
21 The number of girls Jeanette got jumped by
22 Jeanette's brother
23 Dad
24 Jeanette's mother
1 What the glass castle foundation got filled with
2 What Rose was
3 How Jeanette saved money
9 What Jeanette was cooking when she got burned
10 Author and main character
12 One of the many places they lived
13 What Jeanette got for Christmas
14 Where Grandma Smith lived
15 What the nurse gave Jeanette in the hospital
18 The family star
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