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The Help

            J I M C R O W L A W S                
    C A M P A I G N               H              
              L                   U              
            A R R E S T E D       S              
              I                   B              
              G                   A         M    
              H O M E H E L P S A N I T A T I O N
              T                   D     I   N    
      F E C E S                         B   N    
              M I S C A R R I A G E     L   Y    
              O                         E        
              V                         E        
              E                         N        
              M I S S I S S I P P I              
S A S S M O U T H                                
Across Down
2 What does Skeeter find in the library?
3 What do the white ladies of jackson start to get every house equipped with a seperate bathroom?
5 What happened to the maid after she was beaten?
7 Which bill requires every white home to have a seperate bathroom for colored people?
9 What did Aibleen inform Hilly she baked into the pie?
10 What did Celia have that she locked herself behind a door?
11 Where does the movie take place?
12 Why is Minny unable to hold down a job as a maid?
1 What event in history does the movie relate to?
4 Who did Minny get beaten by?
6 Many African American got fired for speaking there mind such as whom?
8 Who quoted '18 people were killed in Jackson that night 10 white and 8 black, I don't think God has color in mind when he sets a tomado loose'?
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