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The History of Coffee

    O                       C    
    C                       R    
    H       D I V O R C E   E    
S E A T T L E               M   C
            C O M M E R C I A L S
B E Z Z E R A                   C
            F I L T E R   G     E
            F             O      
            E T H I O P I A      
            I             T      
            N               P    
          C A P P U C C I N O    
            T       O   L   W    
    B R A Z I L     F   L   D    
      E     O       F   Y   E    
      D     N       E       R    
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3 Under Turkish Law, men could be sued for this if they didn't produce enough coffee for his wife?
4 This city is home to the first Starbucks.
6 In 1956, these breaks were introduced on television. While not enough time to brew a cup of tea, they allowed people enough time to brew a cup of instant coffee.
7 Who invented the first commercial 'espresso' machine?
8 A housewife was trying to brew the ideal cup of coffee at home. She discovered that her son's school blotting paper was the right tool to use. This way the grounds never reached the cup.
10 In what country was coffee first discovered?
12 This word means 'little hood' in Italian. It reminded the Italian's of the Capuchins, the brown-robed hooded order of monks seen walking amid the people.
15 This South American country turned coffee from a beverage for the elite to a drink for everyone. It is now one of the world leaders in coffee production.
1 Coffee entered Europe through the 'Port of _______.' A coffee word that makes on think of chocolate.
2 In 1945, a high pressure espresso machine was invented. It allowed this to appear on a shot of espresso for the first time. It's the beautiful light-colored foam, an essential part of every espresso shot today.
3 This process was discovered when shipments of coffee were soaked in seawater. The coffee still tasted good, but the beans had lost their caffeine.
5 What is the abbreviation for the Coffee, Sugar, and Cocoa Exchange?
9 What animal discovered coffee?
11 A monk first crushed coffee into a '_______' and added it to boiling water. This may have been the first ever cup of coffee.
13 Throughout the Arabian world, men would meet in this type of house to socialize, play games and drink coffee.
14 He is known as the 'Father of Espresso.'
16 Traders crossed what sea into Yemen, where coffee beans were first roasted?
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