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The Holocaust

                          1       2              
                      6 7                        
                        8                   9    
            10   11                                
14                   15       16     17     18        
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5 an infectious disease spread by lice and fleas, characterized by a high fever, rash and stupor, which can be fatal if untreated.
6 belief that one's own country is better and more impotant then other contries
8 producing, causing
12 money, labor, or goods paid by a defeated country after a war to make amend for the damages and injuries they caused.
13 to destroy completely
14 tolerant or merciful; not harsh
15 took away private property on behalf of an authority
19 The German unit of currency
20 sections of the city inhabited mainly by people of a certain race or ethnicity, sometimes walked off to keep the residents separate from the rest of the city
1 constant torment, either verbally or physically
2 the spending of information about a certain set of belies and values, often through the use of media such as posters,books, and movies.
3 in economics, a period of drastically decreased production and high unemployment
4 being a part of something by reason of its essential nature; genuine
7 making more bearable
9 the purposeful and organized destruction of a certain group of people
10 transporting out of an area, often trough force
11 savage, uncivilization
16 an increase in prices
17 willing and purposefully
18 to take away the qualities that make one human, such as compassion, creativity, dignity, etc.
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