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The Industrial Revolution

                                    1       2              
                        3     4                            
              6     7                                      
    8               9                                     10
            22 23                   24                        
Across Down
9 made railway locomotive commercially successful
12 spurred great economic growth of Europe and brought about the Age of Exploration
13 paris's most famous and important bank
15 new canal system
16 the manufacture of machinery and materials used in production
17 lashed out at the middle classes in his The Conditions of the Working Class in England
18 Parliament prohibited labor unions
19 invented the steam boat
21 (inflation) stimulated production as producers could get more money for their goods
22 enabled weaver to throw shuttle back and forth between threads with one hand
1 improved thread spinning
2 invention that pumped steam to pump water out of mines
3 prohibited all boys and girls under the age of 10 from working underground
4 emerged to provide work to those who were unemployed
5 invented and patented the first efficient steam engine
6 developed the puddling furnace
7 supply of cheap and abundant labor emerged as the enclosure movement forced many landless farmers to move to towns or cites
8 repealed which again allowed for the creation of joint stock companies
10 combined the best features of the spinning jenny and the water frame
11 spinning wheel
13 sought political democracy
14 factory workers emerged as a new group in society and the fastest-growing social class
20 constructed hard-surfaced roads
23 allowed for limited liability for business owners
24 a violent group of irate workers who blamed industrialism for threatening their jobs
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