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The Life Cycle OF A Star Crossword Puzzle

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The Life Cycle of a Star

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2 One of the final stages of a high mass star as a result of no more fuel to burn
5 Will become a Neutron Star or a Black Hole; Shortest Lifetime (about 10 million years)
6 The result of a supernova if the core survives with a very high mass (about 10 times the sun's mass)
7 Will become a White Dwarf; Median Lifetime (about 10 billion years); e.g. The Sun
8 The main and longest phase of a stars life
9 A large cloud of gas and dust
10 The result of a supernova if the core survives with a high mass
11 The result of a cooling white dwarf
13 Will become a White Dwarf; Longest Lifetime (about 200 billion years)
14 A giant explostion that is the result of a supergiant collapsing upon itself
1 One of the final stages of a low or median mass star as a result of no more fuel to burn
3 One of the results at the end of a low or median mass star's lifetime (Gaseous)
4 One of the results at the end of a low or median mass star's lifetime (Core Remains)
6 Stars that have too low a mass to start nuclear fusion
12 A contracting cloud of gas and dust with enough mass to form a star
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