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The Magic Human Eye

Look carefully at the clues provided and try to solve the crossword!

              A S T I G M A T I S M
              C O N C A V E L E N S
              M Y O P I A          
            F O C A L L E N G T H  
        F O C A L P O I N T        
            C O N V E X L E N S    
H Y P E R O P I A                  
      R E F R A C T I O N          
            R E F L E C T I O N    
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1 Eye condition with blurred vision as its main symptom.
2 A lens having at least one surface curved like the inner surface of a sphere.
3 Short sightedness
4 The distance between the centre of a convex lens or a concave mirror.
5 The point in space where parallel light rays meet after passing through the lens or bouncing off the mirror.
6 A lens having at least one surface that curves outward like the exterior of a sphere.
7 Far sightedness
8 The bending of light as it passes from one substance to another.
9 The act of reflecting or the state of being reflected such as light, sound or image.
1 To change the focal length of the lens by changing the curvature of the eye lens.
9 A narrow beam of light.
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