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The Ming Dynasty

                      H U O C H O N G                  
                        B         D A O I S M          
                        U           N                  
                        D       B U D D H I S M        
                        D           C                  
                  C     H           A                  
                Z H O Y A U N Z H A N G                
                  R                 A                  
            A G R I C U L T U R E   L I T E R A T U R E
        M         S                                    
H A N D I C R A F T   A             G                  
        N         I   R             R                  
        G       M A S T E R P I E C E S                
                  N                 A                  
            E N G I N E E R I N G   T                  
                  T                 W                  
                  Y                 A                  
Across Down
1 Gun that was made during the Ming
4 One of the beliefs, believes in natural happiness
5 One of the beliefs, worship Buddha
7 Emporer at the start of the Ming Dynasty
8 One of the main focuses, (farming)
9 formed 3 of the best out of four masterpieces of __________ (Another word for writing)
11 Another one of their best skills, this was used to build things like Great Wall
14 3 out of four of these are from the Ming
15 Yet another skill, they used this to restore the Grand Canal
2 Finishing of this took place in the Ming using engineering
3 Worship this in Buddhism (Shortened word of Buddhism)
6 Another religion that made its way into the Ming Dynasty, follows teaching of Jesus of Nazareth
10 The Dynasty that this crossword is covering
12 Their handicrafts form a piece of _____
13 Restoration of this famous structure took place in the Ming
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