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The Modern World: Arts And Literature Crossword Puzzle

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The Modern World: Arts and Literature

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1 1960's band who sang about love and finding one's place in the world
4 Sounds created by computers
5 Style of art who's artist used common objects in their pieces
6 Le Corbusier used this material in his building
7 Style of art in which creating the art is more important than actual art
8 Artistic director and choreographer of the New York City Ballet
9 Art in which the artist become a literal work of art
10 Italian director who produced films that criticized social and political injustice
11 I the 1980's-1990's ______ _____ became more popular
12 Group of directors that believed the director should act is the author
13 Female African American writer who wrote about black experience in the south
2 Style of painting after 1945 that involved a personal expression from the artist
3 Art of the 1950's-1960's in which the artists used brilliant colors and shapes to create optical illisions
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