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The Muscular System

This is a crossword puzzle that has key terms related to the muscular system and how muscles are named.

B O N E S             F   B I C E P          
  B         M         L     N                
  L   A     A   S Y N E R G I S T            
  I   N     X   K     X     M                
  Q U A D R I C E P   O     U     A          
  U   T     M   L     R     S     D          
  E   O     U   E             B   D          
      M     S   T R A N S V E R S U S        
      Y         A             E   C          
                L             V   T R I C E P
      E X T E N S O R         I   O          
                Y             S   R          
            A N T A G O N I S T              
            G   E                            
            O   M O V E M E N T              
            N           U                    
            I           S                    
  L O N G U S           C                    
            T           L                    
Across Down
2 these make up your skeletal system
5 a muscle that has 2 different points of origin
8 a type of muscle that helps prime the mover; adds extra force to the same movement or reduces unnecessary movements
9 a muscle that has 4 different points of origin
12 describes a muscle that is orientated perpendicularly towards the body
13 a muscle that has 3 different points of origin
14 a type of muscle that straightens to increase the angle between 2 body parts
15 a type of muscle that opposes or reverses the movement; it is usually located in the opposite orientation of an ____ muscle.
16 changing location or position of something
18 describes a muscle muscle that is longer compared to its counterpart
1 describes a muscle that is smaller in size compared to its counterpart
3 describes a muscle that is orientated diagonally towards the mid line of the body
4 the bending of a joint to decrease the angle between 2 body parts
6 describes a muscle that is larger or greater in size compared to its counterpart
7 the study of the structure of different living organisms
8 works side by side with the ___ system to help living things move
10 a type of muscle that moves something toward the mid line of your body
11 describes a muscle that is shorter compared to its counterpart
15 a type of muscle that provides the major force for an action
17 something that can contract in different ways to cause movement
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