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The Nervous System

                        N E U R O N
                M O T O R          
                        A     M    
        E X C I T A B I L I T Y    
            O                 E    
        M A N D I B U L A R   L    
            D                 I    
            U                 N    
    A S S O C I A T I V E          
      P E R I P H E R A L          
      M A X I L L A R Y            
S E N S O R Y                      
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2 the basic unit of the nervous system
3 carry signals from brain to body, innervate muscles and glands
5 a neuron's ability to respond to a stimulus is its
7 branch of trigeminal nerve that innervates chin, periosteum and alveolar process
8 type of neuron that connects two other neurons
9 this part of the nervous system is everything outside of the brain and spinal cord
10 branch of trigemnial nerve that innervates maxillary teeth, maxillary sinuses and soft palate
11 carry signals about the outside world to brain, used to sense light, temperature sound etc
1 this part of the nervous system is composed of the brain and spinal cord
4 the fat covering around the neuron's axon that helps transmit the signal
6 a neuron's ability to transmit a signal is called its
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