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The Other Senses

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3 Conducted the Sweaty t-shirt test (1976)
5 (Perceptual property of sound) Intensity/amplitude
6 Loss of sense of smell (can result from head trauma or sinus damage)
7 Part of the brain and part of the process of smelling
8 Smell and taste are known as the _________ senses, as the nose and tongue register ______ substances
9 first part of the ear to vibrate
12 Part of the outer brain that deals with sound
13 (Perceptual property of sound) Frequency (Hz) - AKA: the speed
14 Outside bit of the ear - directs vibrations into the ear canal
16 Receptors for temperature
18 Receptors that transmit information about pain and damage stimulation
19 Cochlear ________ can be placed in the ear to replace non-functioning or damaged hair cells
20 Olfaction is largely processed in the _______ hemisphere
21 Allows us to understand what we are experiencing (brings the senses together) e.g. spacial mapping/hand-eye coordination
22 Can alert us to look at something (because our ears are at the sides of our head)
23 Language is largely processed in the _______ hemisphere
24 Damage to the parietal lobe (e.g. not being able to feel the shape of things)
25 A model of which senses are used the most (e.g. has big hands)
27 Destruction of this or the auditory brain areas would result in total deafness
30 (Perceptual property of sound) Mix of all physical properties - AKA: quality
31 (Touch receptor) Includes receptors for firmness, shape and texture
35 (One factor tha tinfluences what we hear) context
36 Perception of touch - allows us to perceive patterns with touch (Braille)
1 Describes how flexible the brain is in terms of adapting to foreign bodies, damage or loss
2 (Physical property of sound) Related to amplitude
4 bent by the vibrations in the cochlea, which then release neurotransmitters, producing neural activity which is sent to the brain stem
7 Part of the smelling process that detects odourants in the air
9 (One factor tha tinfluences what we hear) past
10 Needed to smell - you can't smell when you are asleep
11 (preciseness) is much worse for hearing than vision, but extends 360 degrees
15 Found in sweat, can be picked up by olfaction
17 Must be transmitted through a medium, which means there is not sound in a vacuum as there are no _______
26 (Physical property of sound) Literally the length of one wave
28 Improvement in speech recognition when the face of the talker is made visible (Grant & Braida, 1991)
29 (Physical property of sound) The amount of waves
32 where a sound's physical vibrations are transduced into electrical signals in the auditory nerve (like photoreceptors/retina in the eye)
33 (Physical property of sound) AKA: intensity (dB) Sine wave representation of the pressure waves above (height of wave)
34 The part of the ear leading to the eardrum
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