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The Roaring 20's

                          4         5          
                              7     8          
        9                             10        
      13                             14          
    22       23   24       25                      
Across Down
2 He fought for the rights of African Americans
5 The main source of news and entertainment in the 20's
8 Why did blacks leave the south for the north?
10 Living in the city
11 Coined the term 'The Roaring 20's'
12 A period of rebirth for African Americans in the form of art, music and literature
13 A female writer during the 20's
15 Silent film star
16 A period of negative economic growth in the US
19 Pilot who flew solo across the Atlantic
20 When hundreds of thousand of African Americans left the south for the north
22 The belief that the bible is literally the word of God
1 Jazz musician
3 A poet during the Harlem Renaissance
4 Someone that made or sold illegal alcohol
6 An illegal nightclub that sold liquor
7 Living in the country
9 Classes that taught trades like electrician or plumber
14 Organization that fought for the rights of African Americans
17 Teacher that illegally taught evolution
18 A time period when alcohol was illegal in the US
21 A job that most women held in the 20's, cook, maid, nanny
22 A liberated young woman of the 20's
23 Gangster that gained wealth during Prohibition
24 The theory that mad has evolved from apes
25 More people became this because of increased education
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